Meet the 2021-2022  National Mazkirut!

Meet the 2021-2022 National Mazkirut!


We are proud to announce the 2021-2022 National Mazkirut (National Teen Leadership Board)!

These teens were elected at this year’s Virtual National Convention April 22nd-25th, 2021. The National Mazkirut is the principal leadership body of Yehudah Hatzair. They will plan and implement exciting programs throughout the year to engage existing Judaean’s and recruit new ones! We can’t wait to see what this group has in store for Year-Round Programming 21-22!

Hi! I’m Nadav Gilboa, and I’m from Pittsburgh, PA. I spent 7 years at CYJ Midwest and one at Camp Tel Yehudah (thanks, pandemic). This summer I’ll be a CIT at Camp Sprout Lake. Last year I was AVP Logistics Midwest YJ and have been involved in year-round YJ for 10 years! I like pretty much any game I can play with my friends, from Ultimate to soccer to basketball, as well as board games, and just chilling out with some Netflix. I ran for National Mazkirut with the goal of reinvigorating our movement after a hard pandemic, as well as redefining the roles of our most senior teen leadership in year-round planning of our events, and I am really looking forward to seeing many of my fellow young Judeans at upcoming conventions. I am excited to help Young Judaea make this next year the absolute best it can be, and I can’t wait to get started!

Shalom YJ! My name is Natalie Sabrsula and I’m from LaGrangeville, NY. I love playing tennis, making friendship bracelets, and traveling. I’ve been a part of Young Judaea for about 8 years now, attending Camp Sprout Lake, Camp Tel Yehudah, and participating in Year-Round YJ. I was on the Empire Mazkirut for the last 2 years, first as the Ofarim-Tsofim Programmer, and then as the Administrative Vice President (AVP). Now I’m super excited to be the National AVP this coming year where I am hoping to implement a new outreach program to get new teens involved in YJ! I look forward to working with my fellow National Mazkirut members and the regional Mazkiruyot to continue to connect with other Judaeans through our zoom events, and hopefully in-person events soon too! 


Hi! I’m Melanie Rutherford, the 2021-2022 National Bogrim Programmer! I’ve been going to Young Judaea camps since the summer of 2015 and this summer I’ll be going on the Gesher Complete trip. I have met some of my absolute best friends through Young Judaea, and it’s what got me involved in Mazkirut. I’ve been on maz for the last 2 years, first as Empire’s Social Action Programmer and again as Empire’s Bogrim Programmer. In my spare time I love to dance, listen to music, and do art projects. I’m so excited to bring my past experiences to the national stage and continue planning and running YJ events for everyone to enjoy. I hope to see you all back in person!

Hello! I’m Sara Tilem and I am a junior from Brooklyn, New York. I have been involved with Young Judaea since I was 11 years old at my first summer at Sprout Lake. I never knew going to a summer camp would change my life the way it has. In my free time, you can find me shopping, babysitting, hanging out with friends, or going to a concert. I am so excited to be the National Ofarim-Tsofim Programmer and inspire kids to be the future leaders of Young Judaea! 


Howdy y’all I’m Reeve Dolan, I’m from Cleburne, Texas and I’m currently a Senior at The Oakridge school in Arlington Texas. YJ has always been an outlet for me to express myself in the Jewish world. Whether it’s discussing pressing issues in today’s world that has to do with my religion, or just being able to meet other Jewish teens who are just like me from around the world. This movement has transformed me into a more confident and proud Jew and it’s equipped me with the knowledge to better my understanding of the Jewish religion and Israel. This is my first time sitting on a National or regional board within Young Judaea, but that does not make me any less eager to be an outstanding Social action program for the National Mazkirut of 2021-2022. Besides being active within YJ I also like to wrestle and watch football, always rooting on the Packers. I can’t wait for YJ to be back in session and hopefully we can all return in person to attend every and all events this upcoming year!

Shalom! I’m Rayna Schlossberg and I am this coming year’s National Pirsum and I am from Rockland County New York. I have spent eight summers with Young Judaea and couldn’t imagine being a part of a closer and more welcoming community. I love drawing flowers and taking hikes in the woods as well as hanging out with my friends. I am thrilled to aid in the transition from zoom to in-person events this coming year!