Alumni Onward Internship Reflection: Nina Berkowitz

By Young Judaea

By Nina Berkowitz

This past summer, I had the privilege of participating in the Business and Marketing Program through Onward, and my experience was nothing short of transformative. While I had visited Israel before, it was nothing compared to the immersive experience I had this past summer. Living independently, I had the opportunity to deeply connect with Israeli culture while gaining invaluable professional experience through my marketing internship.

I interned with Alike Health, a startup healthcare platform that uses AI technology to connect individuals with similar medical histories. The platform enables people to share their experiences, ideas, and offer emotional support, fostering a sense of community among users with common health conditions. As a marketing intern, I contributed to content creation for social media, assisted with the development of their new website, wrote blog posts, and created informative videos for a new feature on their app and website. This hands-on role gave me the chance to see my ideas come to life in a meaningful way.

Beyond gaining professional experience, I immersed myself in the Israeli work environment, building lasting connections with the team at Alike Health. My background in content creation and video editing allowed me to contribute meaningfully to the company, while also expanding my skill set. Despite studying Psychology and Health Medicine & Society in college, I was eager to explore the business world, and this internship challenged me in ways that helped me grow both professionally and personally. It was thrilling to see my content brought to life on Alike’s platform, and I learned how to shape my ideas to better cater to users’ needs. This experience pushed me to become a more thoughtful, analytical thinker.

On a personal level, this program deepened my connection to Israel. Growing up in a Conservative Jewish household and attending Jewish day schools, I’ve always had a strong Jewish identity. Being in Israel on my own terms allowed me to develop routines, explore Tel Aviv, and truly live the experience. It felt especially important being in Israel and supporting the country after October 7th as I began experiencing the ways hostility grew on my campus. I was longing to return to Israel and away from the antisemitism that’s been sweeping many universities. So, being in Israel this past summer felt that much more important.

In summary, the Onward program was a pivotal experience for me. It helped me become more independent, gain valuable work experience, and further strengthen my Jewish identity. It was, without a doubt, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that shaped me both professionally and personally.

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