
What is Gesher?

Gesher is an exciting, three and a half week summer Israel trip for rising 11th and 12th graders at one amazing cost. You'll see all the top sites and much more while you spend time in Israel’s most famous places as well as those off the beaten path, learning about their historical and modern significance and discovering amazing new places.

The early bird cost of Gesher Israel, including airfare, is $6,450. We are a proud partner of RootOne, a new initiative that helps connect thousands of Jewish teens to Israel by lowering the financial barrier to participation in immersive summer trips to Israel and by investing in the educational quality of those experiences. Our participants apply for a grant of $3,000 towards the cost of Gesher Israel. Click here for more information about the RootOne Israel travel voucher.

This year, we've made it easier than ever for participants from Young Judaea summer camps to join in the Israel experience while still doing camp with TWO different Gesher sessions.

Yalla, we'll see you in Israel!

the classic summer Israel experience

Gesher Israel

First Session: June 30 - July 21, 2025 OR
Second Session: July 7 - July 28, 2025

Early Bird Cost: $6,450 before RootOne Grant
Participants apply for a $3,000 tuition grant from RootOne

Explore Israel's breathtaking nature from north to south as you experience heritage and history in ancient Jerusalem, modern innovation and non-stop culture in Tel Aviv, and so much more for three and a half eye-opening weeks. Gesher is so much more than a trip to Israel - it's the opportunity to truly connect with the country and create lifelong memories. Whether at the top of Masada, floating in the Dead Sea, navigating through the Negev desert, or strolling the colorful marketplaces, you'll find lots of things to love about Israel!

Click here for the full Gesher Israel Itinerary
Tel yehudah + Israel

Gesher and Camp TY

Israel: June 30 - July 21, 2025
Camp Tel Yehudah: July 24 - August 11, 2025
Early Bird Cost: $9,950
Participants apply for a $3,000 tuition grant from RootOne
Start your summer with two incredible weeks at Camp Tel Yehudah, Young Judaea's national teen leadership camp, on Gesher TY. Have all the traditional camp experiences like activities with your bunk, rikud (Israeli dance), special days in camp, time to just chill with your old and new friends, and camp-wide events before heading off on Gesher Israel!

Hendersonville and israel

Gesher Israel & MIT at Camp Judaea

Camp Judaea: June 10 - July 3, 2025
Israel: July 7 - July 28, 2025
Early Bird Cost: $6,450 before RootOne Grant
Participants apply for a $3,000 tuition grant from RootOne

Work first session as a paid in-bunk counselor and learn the ins and outs of how to become an exceptional staff member in the Gesher Counselor Cohort. While at camp, Gesher staff members will engage in leadership development training, Israel education programming, and social activities. 

Then, it's off to Israel on Gesher!

Click here for more info on the Gesher Counselor Cohort at CJ
wimberley and israel

Gesher Israel & CIT at Texas

CYJ-Texas: June 12 - July 07, 2025
Israel: July 07 - July 28, 2025
Early Bird Cost: $7,450 before RootOne Grant
Participants apply for a $3,000 tuition grant from RootOne
Start your summer at CYJ-Texas as a Counselor in Training (CIT), available to campers entering 12th grade. Participants will get to enjoy camp as campers, exploring activities designed just for them. At the same time, they’ll get a hearty introduction to the life of a counselor, apprenticing with seasoned pros to see what the madrich/a life is all about.

Then, it's off to Israel on Gesher!

Click here for more information on CYJ-Texas CIT
waupaca and israel

Gesher Israel & MIT at CYJ Midwest

CYJ Midwest: June 09 - June 29, 2025
Israel: June 30 - July 21, 2025
Early Bird Cost: $6,450 before RootOne Grant
Participants apply for a $3,000 tuition grant from RootOne

The CYJ Midwest MIT program is for rising 12th graders looking for a solid entry point not just into the staffing experience of camp, but the skills that help you beyond as well. Participants will be hands-on madrichim who have time set aside daily to learn important leadership skills.

Then, it's off to Israel on Gesher!

Click here for more information on CYJ Midwest MIT
verbank and Israel

Gesher Israel & Yozma
at CYJ Sprout Lake

Israel: June 30 - July 21, 2025
CYJ Sprout Lake: July 23  - August 17, 2025
Early Bird Cost: $6,450 before RootOne Grant
Participants apply for a $3,000 tuition grant from RootOneYozma is a special program for rising 12th graders who serve as paid staff at Sprout Lake, living in-bunk with campers and receiving 1 hour of professional development each day to help acclimate to being a new counselor. Make a difference in the lives of the Sprout Lake campers this summer and learn leadership skills that will benefit you for years to come. 

But first, it's off to Israel on Gesher!

Click here for more information on Yozma at CYJ-Sprout Lake
the details

Important Information

Who is Eligible for Gesher Israel?

Current 10th or 11th graders who are 16-17 years old, regardless of Jewish denomination, youth group or movement affiliation, are eligible to register for Gesher Israel.

Are There a Limited Number of RootOne Vouchers?

Young Judaea's goal is to bring as many participants as possible to Israel in Summer 2025, but vouchers are limited. We encourage you to register early to secure your spot on this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I don't go to Young Judaea camp. Can I do Gesher Israel?

Absolutely! We welcome participants from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating a fun and welcoming atmosphere in which to enjoy your trip to Israel. We are looking forward to a diverse group of participants this coming summer.

What is RootOne?

Young Judaea is a proud partner of RootOne, an initiative that helps connect thousands of Jewish teens to Israel by lowering the financial barrier to participation in immersive summer trips to Israel and by investing in the educational quality of those experiences. Please visit www.RootOne.org for more information.

Can You Guarantee Gesher Israel Will Run Next Summer?

No Israel program can make that promise 100%, but we're using our experience in running Israel programs in the current climate to plan for a successful summer trip to Israel in 2025.

More Questions? Check Out Our FAQ!

What Our Alumni Say

Mitchell Susswein
Summer Programs 2019

"The trip was amazing! I really got to explore Israel in a way I hadn't before and saw so much of the country. I had dozens of amazing experiences I'll never forget. Going to Israel with Young Judaea also gave me the opportunity to make friends that I know will last my entire life."

Lyndsey Lipson
Summer Programs 2018

"Traveling to Israel with Young Judaea was the perfect way to explore my Judaism and connect with other teens doing the same!"

Jereme Weiner
Summer Programs 2018

"Israel was amazing, but the Young Judaea staff really made the experience. I had so much fun exploring the country with my friends and learning from guides, educators, and Israeli peers who opened their lives to us and showed us so much awesome stuff!"

Ari Kantorowitz
Summer Programs 2019

"My trip to Israel with Young Judaea was action-packed and fun every single day. I experienced so much Israeli culture and found new perspectives along the way."

Gesher Starts Here!

Ready to plan the summer of a lifetime with Young Judaea? Our enrollment team is waiting to hear from you.

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