The Jerusalem semester of Year Course offers an unparalleled experience in one of the most historic and vibrant cities in the world. From your home base at the Machon l'Madrichim, you'll immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of Jewish history, culture, and spirituality. You'll engage in thought-provoking courses exploring topics like Israeli society, Jewish texts, and leadership development, while exploring Jerusalem and surroundings.
Learn more about the courses and experiences you'll have during the Jerusalem semester of Year Course.
Year Course's core courses are accredited through Hebrew College in Boston and offer a comprehensive education in topics related to Israeli history and society, Jewish heritage and thought, and more. Our core courses include:
Elective courses give participants numerous opportunities to find areas of Israeli and Jewish history, society and culture that speak to their specific interests. Here are some examples of electives that have been offered:
LaOmek classes are practical experiences that take participants into the heart of Jerusalem's colorful culture and society. Here are some examples of electives that have been offered:
During the Jerusalem semester, participants travel together with the Machon to Poland as part of a delegation of gap year students, to bear witness to the historical tragedies of the Jewish people and learn more about the future of Jewish life in Europe. Experiences include meeting with Holocaust survivors, touring former concentration camps, and exploring Jewish communities in Poland. This trip is included in the cost of Year Course for all participants.
During the Jerusalem semester, participants have the option to join the Year Course and Pardes Study Program, a comprehensive supplemental track that provides the opportunity for participants to delve into texts such as the Talmud, Midrash, Halacha, and Machshava and explore their historical, literary, and philosophical underpinnings.
Learn more about the Pardes Jewish Learning Track
Year Course is pleased to offer an accreditation partnership with Hebrew College, who are accredited through the New England Commission on Higher Education (NECHE.) Year Course participants are considered non-matriculated students and may also elect to opt out of for-credit classes, in exchange for alternate learning experiences. This partnership with Hebrew College allows Year Course participants the option to earn college credits through eligible Year Course classes. With an educational emphasis on leadership, pluralism, and Jewish learning, Hebrew College is a perfect partner for Year Course, who share their similar educational goals.