Kol HaTnua - Voice of the Movement Young Judaea’s National Social Action Initiative: Sara Kasler

By Year Round Programs

At Young Judaea’s National Convention in 2017, the T’nua (Movement) voted to create the Anne Heyman National Initiative for Social Change. Named after a Judaean who truly made a difference in the world, the goal of the National initiative is to give the movement a focus for the year in terms of social action.

During National Convention this past February, multiple topics were presented to potentially be chosen to become our initiative for the next year. It was ultimately voted that we would focus on women’s health. The idea for this topic came from Campon, a project that many teens have participated in at Camp Tel Yehudah throughout the past few summers. At the end of the summer, a few teens go from bunk to bunk to collect extra pads and tampons to donate as these are things that many people tend to overlook when making donations. Throughout this programming year, we plan to not just collect donations but we will educate and work to destigmatize the topic of women’s health throughout the Movement and in our communities.

~ Sara Kasler, National Social Action Programmer 2018-2019

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